Find out how TaxCycle makes preparing tax returns faster and easier. Topics covered in the webinar include:
This webinar is designed for those considering switching to TaxCycle or those who have recently switched.
Answer the polling questions during the webinar to earn CPD credits.
Presented by: Parminder Kaur
TaxCycle’s audit and review process runs in the background while you’re working. As you enter data, TaxCycle checks for missing information and optimization opportunities. In this short webinar, learn how to:
Answer the polls during the webinar to earn verifiable CPD credits.
Presented by: Perry Giagos
Watch prior webinar recordings.
You will need to be at a computer with either speakers or headphones and a high-speed internet connection.
Answer the polls to qualify for verifiable CPD credit hours. Download your certificate after you complete the training from the same portal where you take the training.