
Multi-Year Templates and Roll Forward

Updated: 2021-03-12

If you customized your templates last year, there are two ways to roll them forward to the current year.

Use a Template Across Years

If the last template you customized doesn't contain any year-specific text or fields (inserting constants can help you with this), set it up to apply to more than one year. (A good template to do this with is the Letterhead snippet template.)

  1. Open the Template Editor (see the Template Editor Window help topic).
  2. In the Templates sidebar on the left side of the window, find your template and click on it.
  3. In the Properties sidebar, click the link next to the module year. (If you can't click on this link, clone the built-in template first.)
  4. Click Select all under a module icon to use the template for all years within that module.
  5. Click Select all modules to use the template in all TaxCycle modules. However, only do this for templates that contain common field codes across all modules, such as the Letterhead template).
  6. Click OK.
  7. Save the template.
  8. Restart TaxCycle to make sure all open files use the new template. The next time you open the Template Editor, this custom template will appear under all the years you checked.

Screen Capture: Choose the module(s) and year(s) for this template

Clone and Move the Template to the New Year

If you want to use last year's template as a starting point for this year but you still want to keep it separate, you can clone the template and then change the properties to use it in the new year:

  1. In the Templates sidebar, click on the name of the template you wish to clone.
  2. Clone the prior-year template.
  3. TaxCycle creates a copy and automatically selects it in the list on the Templates sidebar. You can tell this copy from the built-in templates because the name appears in bold.
  4. In the Properties sidebar, click the link with the module and year.
  5. In the dialog box that opens, remove the prior year and select the current year.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Save the template.
  8. Restart TaxCycle to make sure all open files use the new template. The next time you open the Template Editor, this custom template will appear under all the years you checked.

Screen Capture: Change Year