
Template Print Conditions

Updated: 2025-03-25

Whether you work with built-in templates, or those you created, you want those templates to print at the right time, for the right person. There are settings that affect inclusion in print sets.

Settings that Affect Template Printing

In order for templates to automatically print at the right time, the following settings must be adjusted to give the results you need.

Template Relevant and Used Conditions

In order to print automatically, a template must be available or relevant in the client’s tax return. For example, the built-in T1 Family Invoice (FInvoice) has the following relevant condition:

(CurrentClient = File.Partner or CurrentClient = File.Principal) and (count(File.Dependants) > 0)

This means that the template is only available when the current client is either the principal taxpayer or spouse, and when there are dependants in the file.

To select a template for print when it is used, set the correct used condition. For example, the built-in T1 Family Invoice (FInvoice) has the following used condition:

((aggregate(File.Dependants, “BillingWorksheet.Totals.Total”) > 0) or (CurrentClient.BillingWorksheet.Totals.Total + CurrentSpouse.BillingWorksheet.Totals.Total > 0)) and CurrentClient = File.Principal

This means that the template will only be marked as used in the principal taxpayer’s return and only if there is a total on the principal taxpayer, spouse, or dependant’s Billing worksheet.

The default conditions for each template is set in Template Properties. While you can edit these conditions in properties, this requires that you clone the built-in template, disconnecting it from any future updates. If you have no other changes to make to a template, we recommend changing the condition in module options instead. See How to Change a Template’s Relevant or Used Condition, below.

Form Selection Condition

When a template is in a print set, it must also have the right option set when right-clicking on the template in the print set’s form selection. For example, if the two conditions above are set, and you include FInvoice in the Client Copy print set, it is important to right-click on it and select the option: When used, show in set and select for print.

Screen Capture: FInvoice Print Condition

How to Change a Template’s Relevant or Used Condition

To change a template’s relevant condition without cloning it:

  1. To open Options from the Start screen, click Options on the left side. If you have a file open, go to the File menu, then click Options.
  2. On the left side of the dialog box, expand the T1/TP1 section (or a section for another tax module).
  3. Expand Templates and click on a year to set options for a specific year.
  4. Click on a template in the list to see and change its settings.
  5. From the Relevant drop-down list, select a preset condition. If you don’t see the condition you need, you can type a condition into the field.
  6. From the Used drop-down list, select a preset condition. If you don’t see the condition you need, you can type a condition into the field.

Screen Capture: Template Conditions Options

Common Questions

When we include a built-in template, we have to decide what conditions it uses and in which print sets it appears. However, sometimes these don’t match what you need for your practice. The following issues can be resolved by changing the settings above: