Updated: 2024-11-11
Use these functions in templates and data mining to create conditions and format text.
Use the abs() function to format any number to show the absolute value.
Use abbreviate() to display the two-letter abbreviation of any province.
How to aggregate amounts from the same field on a multi-copy form.
The anchor() function is used to place an electronic signature request within a template. It is used in conjunction with the Signature Id template property.
The contains() function tests if a text field contains a list of input text values. This function is case-insensitive.
Use the count() function to count items in templates.
The first() function looks for the first instance that matches the condition and then stops.
Iterate multi-forms and slips. For each form or slip copy, match this field to a value.
Apply the format() function to a field code to change the display of numbers, dates and other information.
Use the gifibalances() function to iterate the S100 and S125 forms for specific values.
The history() function tests if a client's history contains a particular value. This function is case-insensitive.
Tests whether a field is blank or contains text.
Use the istaskcomplete() and istaskcompleted() functions to test whether the given workflow task is complete or was completed on a specific date.
Join field codes and add a separator using the join() function.
Obscure the output from a field code using the mask() function.
Reverses a statement in a template or data monitor.
This function lets you change text to uppercase or lowercase when pulled from a field in TaxCycle.
The round() function allows you to round a number to the nearest digit.