
Find the Field Code and Values for Checkboxes

Updated: 2025-03-17

TaxCycle contains two types of checkbox fields on its forms

  • A list of checkboxes that each have their own field code. In these lists, you can check multiple boxes.
  • A group of checkboxes that share a field code but have separate values for each box. You can only check one box in the group in these lists.

To create a condition for a template, data monitor or print set using a group of checkboxes, you need the field code and the value for the box. You can easily find the value for any checkbox by pasting the field code in the template editor.

Example: T1 Foreign Property Question

  1. Go to the Info worksheet and click the Yes box foreign property question.
  2. Click the field code link in the blue bar at the bottom left of the window to copy the {{CurrentClient.Info.Filing.ForeignProperty}} field code to your clipboard.
  3. Paste the field code into the template.
  4. The preview will show the value of the box checked on the Info worksheet. This will tell you the value you need for the condition. Of course, if you check the No box, the value will change.
  5. To create a condition with the Yes value, turn the field code into a conditional statement by adding the dollar sign at the beginning and an equal sign with Yes in quotes at the end: {{# CurrentClient.Info.Filing.ForeignProperty="Yes"}}
  6. Close the condition by repeating the tag with a slash at the beginning {{/ CurrentClient.Info.Filing.ForeignProperty="Yes"}}
  7. In between these two tags, enter the text you want to display when the foreign property question applies.

Screen Capture: Condition that shows text if the foreign property question is Yes