
Example: T1 Residency Status Dropdown in Templates

Updated: 2025-03-25

  1. Open a T1 return, go to the Info worksheet and click in the Residency status field.
  2. Click the field code link in the blue bar at the bottom left of the window to copy the {{CurrentClient.Info.Residency.ResidencyStatus}} field code to your clipboard.
  3. Paste the field code into the template.
  4. The preview will show the value from the Info worksheet. If you select Resident from the list, a value of Resident also shows in the template preview. However, if you change the selection to Non-resident, the template preview displays a value of NonResident, without a space. To create a condition that checks whether the taxpayer is a resident or deemed resident, you will need both of these values.
  5. To make this condition easier to read, we recommend breaking apart the field code. You can divide it up in a few different ways. We typically do this:
    1. Create an opening and closing condition for the CurrentClient context.
    2. Within that, create an opening and closing condition for the Info.Residency portion of the field code, removing the row number.
    3. This leaves the ResidencyStatus portion on its own for the longer condition. 
  6. Create a condition that checks whether the selected ResidencyStatus is the Resident value, then apply the not() function to reverse the condition so that it checks for a value other than Resident selected: {{# not(ResidencyStatus="Resident") }}
  7. Use the and operator to add another value to the code that excludes the value DeemedResident: {{# not(ResidencyStatus="Resident") and not(ResidencyStatus="DeemedResident")}}
  8. Close the condition by repeating the tag with a slash at the beginning: {{# not(ResidencyStatus="Resident") and not(ResidencyStatus="DeemedResident")}}
  9. In between these two tags, enter the text you want to display for non-residents.

Screen Capture: Sample condition that check whether the taxpayer is a non-resident

Sample Code

Copy this sample code into a template to try it out.

{{# CurrentClient}}
{{# Info.Residency}}
{{# not(ResidencyStatus="Resident") and not(ResidencyStatus="DeemedResident")}}

Show this if someone is not a resident or a deemed resident.

{{/ not(ResidencyStatus="Resident") and not(ResidencyStatus="DeemedResident")}}
{{/ Info.Residency}}
{{/ CurrentClient}}