Updated: 2023-10-11
Example | Sample result |
{{CurrentClient.Info.ID.SIN}} |
111111118 |
{{ format(CurrentClient.Info.ID.SIN) }} |
111 111 118 |
{{ mask(format(CurrentClient.Info.ID.SIN)) }} |
1** *** *18 |
{{ mask(CurrentClient.Info.ID.SIN) }} |
1******18 |
Example | Sample result |
{{ CurrentClient.Info.ID.BusinessNumber }} |
8510871480001 |
{{ format(CurrentClient.Info.ID.BusinessNumberField) }} |
851087148 RC0001 |
{{ mask(format(CurrentClient.Info.ID.BusinessNumberField)) }} |
8******** **0001 |
{{ mask(CurrentClient.Info.ID.BusinessNumber) }} |
8********0001 |
Example | Sample result |
NewBrunswick |
{{format(CurrentClient.Info.Residency.ProvinceDec31Field,"text")}} |
New Brunswick |
Module | Field code | Description |
T1 |
Shows the age on December 31st of the tax return year. |
If you want to use the nickname field on the Info worksheet to address your clients, you must test for it to show it IF it has something in it.
Description | Example | Result |
First name and last name | {{CurrentClient.Info.ID.FirstName }} {{CurrentClient.Info.ID.LastName}} |
Frank Wright |
Use nickname if it is present | {{# CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname}} {{.}} {{/end}} {{# not(CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname)}} {{CurrentClient.Info.ID.FirstName }} {{/end}} {{CurrentClient.Info.ID.LastName}} |
Cory Wright |
Spouse's first name and last name | {{ CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.FirstName }} {{CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.LastName}} |
Samantha Wright |
Use spouse's nickname if it is present | {{# CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname}} {{.}} {{/end}} {{# not(CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname)}} {{ CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.FirstName }} {{/end}} {{CurrentClient.<span class="redactor-selection-marker" id="selection-marker-1"></span>Info.SpouseID.LastName}} |
Sam Wright |
A snippet to use the nickname rather than first name in a salutation, coupled or not | {{# not(coupled(CurrentClient))}}{{# CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname }}{{.}}{{/ CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname }}{{# not(CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname) }}{{CurrentClient.Info.ID.FirstName }}{{/ not(CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname) }}{{/ not(coupled(CurrentClient))}}{{# coupled(CurrentClient)}}{{# CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname }}{{# CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname}}{{ join(" & ", CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname, CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname) }}{{/ CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname}}{{# not(CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname)}}{{ join(" & ", CurrentClient.Info.ID.Nickname, CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.FirstName) }}{{/ not(CurrentClient.Info.SpouseID.Nickname)}} |
This will change based on whether the person is single or coupled return, and whether each client has a nickname. |
The JSalutation snippet handles the situations where the spouses have different last names. This is done using the join function. For more examples, please read the section on the Join function in the Operators and functions help topic.
Example | Sample result |
Paul Tremblay & Jeannette Larousse Paul and Jeannette Tremblay |