
Edit the TaxFolder Signature Request Email

Updated: 2023-01-16

If you need to edit the signature request email to a client, you can do this from TaxCycle or TaxFolder. Editing the signature request email allows you to correct or update the recipient's email address and phone number, add another signer, and correct or update the documents that need to be signed. When an edited request is sent, the prior document link is made inactive and a new link is sent to the client.

Edit Request From TaxCycle

To edit a request from TaxCycle, you will need to void the existing request and send a new request.

Open the form or letter in TaxCycle. In the blue bar at the top of the form, click the Void link. Follow the steps in the "Void Request From TaxCycle" section of the Void the TaxFolder Signature Request help topic. Following this, you can send a new request from TaxCycle or TaxFolder.

Screen Capture: Void Request in TaxCycle

Edit Request From TaxFolder

  1. On the Client Dashboard, click on the client’s name to open their record.
    Screen Capture: Select Client on Dashboard
  2. On the client’s record, make sure to select the engagement that contains the documents you wish to void.
    Screen Capture: Select Engagement
  3. In the Engagement Status section, click the arrow next to View Original to the right of the document and select Edit Fields from the drop-down menu. Screen Capture: Edit Fields in TaxFolder
  4. You can click the red red trashcan icon icon to delete the original document. To learn how to delete a signature request, see the Delete the TaxFolder Signature Request Email help topic.
  5. Click Add Document to manually upload a new document. 
  6. You can edit the Recipient Name, Recipient Email and Contact phone number in this section.
  7. Check the Add additional document security question(s) box to require the recipient to answer additional security questions, such as entering their Last name, Last four SIN digits and Date of birth.
  8. Click Add Approver to add another recipient to approve the request.
  9. You can edit the request email Subject line and add a Message to recipient(s) in this section.
  10. Clicking Send Without Signatures sends the edited request as an Approval Request without any signature anchors. In order to include signatures, see the next step.
  11. Click Edit signature fields to verify or edit the signature fields before sending. After reviewing, click Send for Signatures at the bottom of the pop-up window to send the edited document request.
    Screen Capture: Edit Document Approval Request in TaxFolder