
Delete the TaxFolder Signature Request Email

Updated: 2022-12-08

If you need to delete the signature request email to a client, you can do this from TaxFolder. Once the document is deleted, TaxFolder sends a notification to the client advising that the document has been deleted, along with the reason and comments.

Delete Request From TaxFolder

  1. On the Client Dashboard, click on the client’s name to open their record.
    Screen Capture: Select Client on Dashboard
  2. On the client’s record, make sure to select the engagement that contains the documents you wish to delete.
    Screen Capture: Select Engagement
  3. In the Engagement Status section, click the arrow next to View Original to the right of the document and select Delete File from the drop-down menu.Screen Capture: Delete File in TaxFolder
  4. Click Delete again. This removes the document from the preparer and client dashboard. Screen Capture: Delete File in TaxFolder Step 2
  5. In TaxCycle, the blue bar at the top of the form is updated to show that the request was deleted.Screen Capture: Signature Request Deleted in TaxCycle