
TaxFolder History

Updated: 2023-08-15

On the TaxFolder History page, you can view event history for your firm (Admin access is required to view all events) and use search filters to narrow down the list of events.

  1. Navigate to the History page from the Preparer Dashboard.
  2. You can export the history grid by clicking on the arrow. From the drop-down menu, you can:
    • Copy to place the rows on your clipboard.
    • Print to send the list to your printer.
    • Excel Export to download a XLSX file that you can open in Microsoft Excel®.
    • CSV Export to download a CSV file.
  3. Type to filter by ID.
  4. Select a Custom Date Range from the drop-down menu to filter events by date.
  5. Select a team member from the drop-down menu to filter events by preparers.
  6. You can filter events by category, including Settings, Teams, Client, Engagement and Document.
  7. You can also filter by event type by selecting a specific event from the drop-down menu, such as "Client Added" or "Engagement Completed".
  8. Select how many rows of clients show on each page.
  9. Click the plus sign to expand the row and see details about the event, including the event type and email address associated with the event.
  10. Click Previous or Next to move through the pages of events, or click on a number to jump to a page.

Screen Capture: TaxFolder History