Updated: 2025-03-28
In TaxCycle T1/TP1, you can prepare returns for taxpayers and/or spouses who immigrated or emigrated from Canada during the tax year, as well as for a non-resident spouse.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has revised its interpretation regarding non-refundable tax credits for newcomers to Canada. Taxpayers who declare zero income, from both foreign or Canadian sources, for the period prior to arriving in Canada no longer meet the 90% rule and will have their non-refundable tax credits prorated.
Previously, declaring a zero income for the part of the year when newcomers were not a resident of Canada entitled them to claim 100% of their non-refundable tax credits.
In order for an immigrant/emigrant to be allowed full non-refundable tax credits in the year of arriving or leaving Canada, the taxpayer must meet the 90% rule for the period of non-residency.
If a taxpayer does not meet the 90% rule, non-refundable tax credits are prorated based on the entry or exit date.
A taxpayer meets the 90% rule if:
A newcomer to Canada may be limited in the amount they can claim for the non-refundable tax credits in the year of immigration.
For more information on eligibility for the 90% rule, consult the CRA website for information for Newcomers to Canada.
If the taxpayer arrived in or departed from Canada during the year:
Do not couple the returns if the principal taxpayer was a resident for the full year and the spouse was a non-resident for the full year. Both taxpayers must have the same residency to have a coupled return.
Only complete a return for a non-resident spouse if he/she earned income that was taxable in Canada and that was not already subject to withholding taxes. Examples include employment income, self-employment income, or capital gains. Dividends, interest and rental income would already have been subject to withholding taxes.
You may couple returns if the spouse arrived in or left Canada during the year. Add the entry or exit date on the spouse’s Info worksheet and use the spouse’s Immigrant/Emigrant worksheet to enter the details of the income earned before/after entering/exiting Canada and determine whether the spouse’s non-refundable tax credits can be prorated.
If the spouse arrived in or departed from Canada during the tax year and you are not completing their tax return:
Use Schedule 2 (S2) to prepare a return for a resident of Canada whose spouse/partner did not reside in Canada for the full year. For example, someone who has married a U.S. resident but hasn’t yet emigrated to the U.S.
Do not prepare the return for the spouse. Instead, use the Schedule 2 worksheet to report information about the spouse’s tax situation.