
Start T4/T4A, T5, NR4 or T5018 Files From a T2

Updated: 2024-01-15

If you already have a TaxCycle T2 corporate tax return file, you can start a T4/T4A, T5, T5018 or NR4 file from an open TaxCycle T2 return. This will take the corporate information and use it on the Info worksheet in the new file.

  1. Open the T2 return in TaxCycle.
  2. Go to the Data menu.
  3. Click Create T4 or one of the options to create a T5, T5018 or NR4 file.
  4. You will see the option to create a slips return for multiple years because each T2 module can handle year ends for several years. Choose the slips year that applies to the type of slips you wish to create.

Screen Capture: Create a T5 file from the Data menu