
New File Options

Updated: 2023-01-19

For each tax return type or module, you can set defaults to insert in fields when creating a new file or carry forward one from the prior year. It's worth reviewing these options even if you have already carried forward your files to the current year.

Set defaults for the following:

  • Optional carry forward values, such as whether to carry forward answers to the Elections Canada and Foreign Property questions.
  • Client city and province in the address for new files.
  • Goals and thresholds for optimizations.
  • Language of correspondence.
  • Contact method for pre- and post-assessment.
  • Default amounts for Old Age Security (OAS).
  • Settings for the Climate Action Incentive (CAI).
  • Signing dates.
  • Fields on AuthRep, AuthRepBus and MR-69 authorization forms.
  • Selections on the T183, TP-1000, T1135 forms.
  • Installment payment settings.

In most cases, TaxCycle also displays a Quick Fix review message if the details in the return don't match those set in Options.

Screen Capture: New File Options

  1. In Options, expand the T1/TP1 section (or another tax return type) and click on New File to apply the settings to all years.
  2. To set separate options for each year, expand New File then click on a year.
  3. Scroll through the list on the right to set defaults.

Warning when the value doesn't match options

If you have already carried forward your files to the current year, you can still change the default New File options. TaxCycle will display a Quick Fix review message, like the one below, letting you know when the choice in the field does not match the default you have set in Options. Click the blue link in the message to  update the client file.
