
Form and Review Message Icons

Updated: 2022-11-21

Form Icons

Form icons change based on the state of the data in the form. As you prepare a tax return, the icons immediately update to reflect changes on the form.

Icon: form with no data entered Empty, unused form
No lines
Icon: create a new form Create a new form
Green plus sign
Icon: Form with data carried forward Contains carryforward data
Purple swoosh
Icon: form used in the return Form used in the return
Grey lines
Icon: form with data entered Data entered on form
Blue lines and background
Icon: form with data from DoxCycle Data posted from DoxCycle
Green D and background
Icon: form with imported data Imported data in form
Yellow star
Amended Slip Icon Amended slip
Red pencil
Cancelled Slip Icon Cancelled slip
Red cancel symbol

Signature Icons

Forms that contain signature fields that accept electronic signatures. Use the following icons based on the status of the signature on the form.

Signature Required Icon

Signature Required
Form contains field(s) requiring signature

Signature Requested/Pending Icon Signature Requested/Pending
Signature requested using TaxFolder or DocuSign®
Signature Declined Signature Declined
Client declined to sign document
Signature Voided Icon Signature Voided
Signature request voided by preparer
Signature Received Icon Document Signed
Electronic signature received

Icon Overlays

Additional icons next to the form icon provide even more information.

Icon: form with override values Red asterisk
Override on form
Icon: form with variance Variance
Field with data variance from snapshot.
Icon: form with an attachment

Paper clip
Attachment dropped into field on form

Similar icons on form icons that contain review messages. When there is more than one message on the same form, the icon for the most critical message takes priority.

Review Message Icons

Icons on review messages also provide information about the type and severity of the message.

Messages affecting the entire file. They also show in the grey bar above open forms.
Critical Message
Errors in the return. Cannot be signed off.
CRA Error CRA Error
Required to file a tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency. Cannot be signed off.
Errors that prevent electronic filing with the Canada Revenue Agency. Cannot be signed off.
Required for transmission icon Required for Transmission
Error that prevents filing a form or return.
Warnings that require review.
Optional messages of changes to make to the return.
Tape on field.
Memo on field.
Field varies from the selected snapshot.
Field contains an override.
AgriStability Error AgriStability/AgriInvest
Required for T2 AGRI EFILE.
T1134 Error T1134 Error
Required to EFILE a T1134 Information Return Relating To Controlled and Non-Controlled Foreign Affiliates.
T106 Error T106 Error
Required to EFILE a T106 Information Return of Non-Arm's Length Transactions with Non-Residents.
Revenu Québec error Québec Error
Required to file a return with Revenu Québec.
Alberta AT1 Error Alberta AT1 Error
Required to file the Alberta AT1 corporate tax return.
Alberta AT1 EFILE error Alberta AT1 Net File Error
Required to electronically file an Alberta AT1 corporate tax return.