
Track and Download Signed Documents

Updated: 2022-11-21

When sending a form for signature, TaxCycle tracks the tasks and status of electronic signature requests in the taxpayer's workflow.

  1. TaxCycle updates workflow tasks as it receives messages of signed documents from the Notification Service.
  2. Once TaxCycle receives notice that your client signed the document, click the view link to download a signed copy.
    Screen Capture: Track Sidebar
  3. TaxCycle inserts the date and time the signature field of the form that was signed.
  4. It also displays a message at the top of the form to alert you to signature requests and receipts on the form. Click the view link to download a signed copy.
    Screen Capture: Signed T183
  5. In the case of the T183 and other forms required for electronic filing, the updated signature status also shows in the Transmit sidebar. Click the PDF button to download a signed copy.
    Screen Capture: Download from Transmit Sidebar
  6. All events also show in the file history. Click the PDF button to download a signed copy.
    Screen Capture: File History

Warning! If you send a document for e-signature via TaxFolder or DocuSign®, and then create a new, different file with the same name and SIN, the new file will not be able to receive the response message from the e-signature provider. To ensure the security of your client information, only the originating file can ever receive the response. You can, of course, log into your account and download the signed document from there.