
T183CORP Form

Updated: 2022-11-21

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires that an authorized signing officer of the corporation sign the T183CORP Information Return for Corporations Filing Electronically before a preparer can electronically file the T2 corporate tax return. (For T1 returns, the equivalent form is the T183.)

This form is used to provide authorization to use T2 Corporation Internet Filing. Learn more in the T2 Corporation Internet Filing help topic.

As a temporary measure, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recognizes electronic signatures as having met the signature requirements on the T183CORP. When collecting an e-signature, the T183CORP form must report the date and time the form was electronically signed. This information is then transmitted to the CRA. To learn how to send a document for signature, see the Request E-signatures Using TaxFolder and Electronic Signatures With DocuSign® help topics.

It is important that you keep this signed T183CORP in your files should the CRA ask for it. They regularly check with preparers and request a signed copy.

Completing the T183CORP Form

Most of the information on the form flows from other areas in the TaxCycle T2 return.

  1. If you need to make changes to the contact information in Part 1, go to the Info worksheet.
  2. Most of the amounts in Part 2 flow from the T2 Jacket. Double-click (F6) on the field to drill down to the source of amounts.
  3. The details in Part 3 flow from the Authorized Signing Officer section on the Info worksheet.
  4. Part 4 shows the information about the electronic filer. The Name of person or firm and the Electronic filer number fields flow from the Engagement worksheet, where they are inserted based on what you set in options. See the T2 Corporation Internet Filing help topic and the Preparer and Firm Options help topic to learn how to set these options.

Recording the Signing Date

TaxCycle provides several options for entering the signing date on this form:

  1. At the top of the form, choose whether to use the signing date entered on the Info worksheet. If you answer No to the question at the top of the T183CORP, TaxCycle inserts the date when you confirm the signature before transmitting. (See also the Default Signing Date section, below.)
    Screen Capture: Use signing date entered on Info form?
  2. If you send the form for electronic signature through TaxFolder or DocuSign®, TaxCycle automatically records the signing date and time when the document was signed.
    Screen Capture: T183CORP Signed via TaxFolder
  3. If you collect an electronic signature by any other method (such as collecting a scanned copy or using Adobe® Reader), TaxCycle does not record the date and time the document was signed. Instead, you must enter this information when confirming the signature before transmission:
    1. Click the e-signature link to confirm receipt of the signature.
    2. TaxCycle automatically enters the current date and time using the 24-hour format.
    3. Adjust the date and time if required and click the Confirm button to save this information.
    Screen Capture: Confirm Signature

Default Signing Date

You can set default values for the signing dates in options:

  1. To open options, go to the File menu, then Options. Or, if you are on the Start screen, click Options in the blue bar on the left.
  2. On the left, expand T2 and click on New File to apply the settings to all years. To set different options for a specific year, expand the section and click on a year.
  3. On the right, scroll down to the T183Corp Default values section.
  4. Select an option under Signing Date:
    • Choose No default to enter the signing date on the Info worksheet manually.
    • Choose Insert the current date when printing to make TaxCycle insert the current date into the field on the Info worksheet upon printing the form.
    • Choose Enter the signing date manually or leave it blank to enter the date by confirming receipt of the signature.
  5. You can also set the defaults for the signing date on the Info worksheet. Then, if you answer Yes to the question at the top of the T183CORP, it will use those dates.

Screen Capture: Signing Date Default