
Transmitting Slips to the CRA

Updated: 2025-01-28

When you click on the Transmit now! link to file tax slips or summaries with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), TaxCycle opens a new window and connects to the Internet file transfer application on the CRA’s website. The instructions below will guide you through signing in and uploading an XML file to the CRA pages.

  1. TaxCycle opens a new window and connects to the Internet file transfer application on the CRA’s website. Do not close this window until you successfully submit your return and receive a submission number. TaxCycle cannot retrieve the number if you close the window.
  2. On the left side of the window, TaxCycle provides instructions and information to help you complete the transmission through the CRA web page.
  3. The CRA web page shows on the right side of the window.
  4. On the CRA web page, read the Disclaimer, scroll to the bottom and click I Agree.
    Screen Capture: CRA Disclaimer Page
  5. The Account Number and WAC shown on the left are those you entered in TaxCycle options. You can use an Account Number and WAC as a preparer, or a slip issuer’s Account number and WAC, as long as they relate to each other. However, if you use the issuer’s WAC, you must change it for each client in TaxCycle Options. You may also need to contact the CRA to register the issuer’s account number if it has not been registered to file the slip type you are attempting to file. You can call the CRA directly at 1-800-959-5525 to obtain help registering the account number.
  6. If possible, TaxCycle will automatically enter your Account Number and Web Access Code on the CRA web page. Important: Make sure the transmitter number entered on the Engagement worksheet matches the transmitter number used to sign in and transmit the return, as the CRA will validate the T619 transmitter information in the XML file to ensure it matches the sign-in information. 
  7. If TaxCycle doesn’t complete the fields, click the copy icon next to the Account Number or Web Access Code (WAC) to copy the information to your clipboard and paste them into the fields on the right side of the window.
  8. Click Sign In.
    Screen Capture: CRA Sign In
  9. Once you sign in, the next steps take you through several CRA web pages. Wherever possible, TaxCycle will automatically complete the fields it can access on these pages with data from the related tax return. At the bottom of each page, click the Next to move on.
  10. The first step is to upload the slips XML file. Click the Select File button and browse to the XML File Location shown in the left sidebar. To navigate to the file location more easily, click the copy button to put the file path on your clipboard and paste this in the file explorer dialog box when it opens. Remember to remove the file name from the end of the path. Click Next to continue.
    Screen Capture: XML File Path
  11. After uploading the XML file, details from the file will display on the T619 verification page. While this information is pulled from the XML file, carefully review each field to ensure it is correct. Then check the Declaration box and click Submit.
  12. Once the transmission completes, the Confirmation of receipt displays on screen. This confirms the file was received by the CRA. The CRA will perform validations on the data in the file at a later stage. Once the validations are complete, they will send a notification to the email address entered on the T619 form. This email notification that the file was accepted by the CRA. Click the Print/Save link if you wish to retain a copy.
  13. This confirmation page also contains the Submission number. TaxCycle will attempt to insert this number in the field on the left of the dialog box. If it cannot, copy and paste the number into the field.
  14. Click the Record submission and close button to close the window.
    Screen Capture: Record Submission Number

A green happy face appears to indicate a successful transmission (which for slips is tracked by entering a submission number). This submission number shows on the box.

Screen Capture: Transmission Successful 

If you see a purple question mark, then you either did not complete the transmission, or you did not enter submission number before closing the transmission window. This may mean that the return has not been successfully filed or you filed the return using an external browser. If you printed or saved the confirmation page, you can record the XML submission number later.