
Document Index

Updated: 2020-07-20

In the Organize sidebar on left side of the DoxCycle window, the document index is the table of contents of a DoxCycle PDF. It lists the pages in the document and contains tools to help you organize, review and manage documents.


  1. Unpin the sidebar to make it disappear when you move your mouse away from it. Pin the sidebar to keep it open all the time.
  2. Click the arrow button to move the sidebar to the other side of the window.
  3. Click Hide empty categories  hide all categories that have no documents in them. This is particularly helpful when you have a family file and when you are viewing on screen. (Remember, you can still drag a document and hover over a taxpayer name to reveal the empty categories under that taxpayer. Then, drop the document or page into the right place.)
  4. Click Expand All and Collapse All to open or close all categories.
  5. Click the Link button to “follow” the document in TaxCycle. This means TaxCycle shows the equivalent form, slip or worksheet for the source document you see in DoxCycle. For this to work, a link must already exist between the TaxCycle and DoxCycle files. To learn more, read the Link DoxCycle and TaxCycle files help topic.


  1. At the top of the index, switch views from the drop-down menu at the top of the index. DoxCycle comes with the DoxCycle Default and Acquired Order. If you create custom outlines, these also appear in the list. Learn more in the Custom document outlines help topic.
  2. The DoxCycle Default view groups documents by taxpayer and document type. Custom outlines also follow this format.
  3. The Acquired Order view lists the documents in the order they were imported or scanned in. 
  4. The Deleted items view is like the windows Recycle Bin. It shows all documents that have been deleted from the file. Learn more about permanently deleting documents in the Deleted documents help topic.


The Acquired Order view


The default view for the document index is the Categorized view. The Acquired Order view shows the documents in the order they were scanned or imported into DoxCycle. 

  1. Switch to the Acquired Order view at the top of the window.
  2. It shows the time and date documents were added.
  3. You can also see who added documents to the file.
  4. By default, the most recent action displays first. Click the Received button to reverse the date sort to see the first item added at the top.

Index indicators


  1. Each taxpayer’s documents appear with a different background colour.
  2. Documents you just scanned or imported have a New label.
  3. Documents with a yellow stamp next to them contain extracted data that needs review. 
  4. Documents with a green stamp contain amounts that are verified and ready to post to TaxCycle. 
  5. Documents with purple stamp next to them have been posted to TaxCycle. 
  6. Multi-page documents have pages nested under them. Click the link to expand the entry in the index.
  7. If DoxCycle cannot recognize a document, it appears as Unclassified. To fix it, right-click and select Classification Assistant to reassign these documents.  Learn more in the Unclassified documents help topic.
  8. Documents that are not part of the selected outline under Not in this outline. This includes Unclassified documents. Learn more in the Custom document outlines help topic.

Hover actions


  1. Hover over a document and click the grey tag on the left to mark it. Marked documents have a black tag next to them.
  2. Hover over a document and click the Link button to open the equivalent form in TaxCycle. For this to work, a link must already exist between your tax software and the DoxCycle file. Learn how in the Link DoxCycle and TaxCycle files help topic.
  3. Hover over a document to see the check mark button. Click once to check the document as first review (blue check mark), click again for a second review (green check mark). Click a third time to remove all check marks.

Right-click actions

Right-click on a document in the index to perform certain actions. Or, to select more than one document, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each document, then right-click.

  1. Mark an item as checked, double-checked or unchecked. Right-click on the container of a multi-page document to check all the pages in the document.
  2. Group pages together into a multi-page document.
  3. Switch taxpayer moves the document under the other taxpayer.
  4. Open the Classification Assistant to deal with Unclassified documents. Learn more in the Unclassified documents help topic.
  5. Add or remove items from the automatic document Classifier.
  6. Save as a separate PDF is useful if you are following-up on a request for information where you only need to send in a few documents. Choose Save as a separate PDF to the CRA folder to place the file in the CRA folder set in options.
  7. Email, e-courier or print the selected document(s).
  8. Delete a document and move it to the Deleted items view. Learn more about permanently deleting documents in the Deleted documents help topic.
  9. Right-click on a taxpayer and select Edit taxpayer to change their name.
  10. Right-click on taxpayer name and select Detach into DoxCycle PDF to create a new DoxCycle PDF with just that taxpayer’s documents.

Filter the index

The Filter menu helps you filter a file to show only pages in the DoxCycle Index that match the selected criteria. Use these filters to speed up the review process.


  1. Click the Filter menu.
  2. Click on a filter to apply it to the index.
  3. Numbers below or next to each filter type indicate how many pages in the file match that type.
  4. Click First or Second review to show only items with a check mark.
  5. Click Require review to show all items that do not yet have a review check mark.
  6. Choose an item from the Posting section to show pages containing extracted data that is Not yet verified, Verified, or Posted.
  7. Click the Memo, Sign Here, Tape, Highlight and Stamp filters to view only the documents that have those items on them.
  8. Click Flagged to see pages with a flag applied.
  9. Click Clear all filters, to reset and view all items in the index.

Drag and drop to classify documents


  1. Drag-and-drop pages in the index to change their classification.
  2. Click and hold down on a document. Move your cursor to drag it.
  3. Pause for a few seconds on a folder to see the full list of document types under that folder.
  4. Drop the document on the type.
  5. DoxCycle changes the document to that type.


Edit document type and taxpayer in the index

You can edit documents names and the category the are associated with from the:

  1. If a document is associated with the wrong taxpayer, right click on the document and select Switch Taxpayer to move it.
  2. To change the document type, double-click twice, slowly, on the part before the dash.
  3. Select a new type from the list, or type the name and press Enter.
  4. If the new document type belongs under different category, DoxCycle will move it there.
  5. The part after the dash is the document name. Double-click twice, slowly, to edit the name in the same way. 
  6. DoxCycle shares the auto-complete lists for the document type and issuer/name with TaxCycle, so it will help you keep document names consistent.