
Quick Searches

Updated: 2024-10-18

The Quick Searches sidebar contains built-in saved searches to help you search and filter the Client Manager results more quickly. These shortcuts let you see a set of search results in a single click. Use the built-in searches or create your own.

Saved Searches

  1. Click on the Quick Searches sidebar to run saved searches.
  2. Select a module from the drop-down menu to display only searches for a particular module.
  3. TaxCycle comes with built-in Quick Searches. Click on a Quick Search item to run the search.
  4. This also selects the related custom filters. (See the Custom Filters help topic.)

Set a Default Search

Right-click on a Quick Search to set it as the Default Search. This default will run first when you open the Client Manager.

Screen Capture: Set as Default Search

Screen Capture: Quick Searches sidebar

Modify an Existing Search

  1. Right-click on a saved search and select Rename change the name.
  2. Select Clone to duplicate an existing Quick Search and use it as a starting point for a new one.
  3. Select Delete to erase the saved search.
  4. Right-click and select Restore Defaults to return the list to the built-in searches that came with TaxCycle.
  5. If you select a Quick Search and then add custom filters to modify it, click the save icon to overwrite the existing search.
  6. This may also prompt you to update your Options Profile. Click Save to apply the change and share it with anyone using the Profile. Click Cancel to apply the change just on your computer.

Screen Capture: Modify an existing search

Create a New Search

  1. As you add filters to an existing Quick Search or create a new one with custom filters, the option to Save as new search appears. Click the link to create a new search.
  2. Type a name.
  3. Click the Save icon to save your changes.
  4. Click the Delete icon to abandon saving a new search.

Screen Capture: New Saved Search

Assign a Column Layout 

Saved Quick Searches can have an associated layout to them. When you create a new saved search, it automatically includes the layout you are currently using to view the results.

To change the layout for an existing search:

  1. Open the Quick Searches sidebar in the Client Manager.
  2. Click once on a saved search to view the results in the Client Manager.
  3. Right-click on the name of the saved search, select Change Column Layout and then choose the layout you wish to apply.
  4. Click the Save button to save the changes to the search.

Screen Capture: Change Column Layout

To associate a layout to a saved search from within Options:

  1. To open options, go to the File menu, then Options. Or, if you are on the Start screen, click Options in the blue bar on the left.
  2. On the left, expand Client Manager and click on Quick Searches.
  3. On the right, use the drop-down next to each saved search to select a column layout.
  4. If you do not assign a column layout, the drop-down shows No Column Layout Assigned. The saved search will then use the default layout selected in Columns options.
  5. To automatically assign the appropriate module-specific column layouts to Quick Searches, click the assign the default module column layout link. TaxCycle will look at each saved search and evaluate whether a module-specific layout is appropriate.
  6. Click Apply or OK to save your changes.

Screen Capture: Column layouts