Print the T1 JInvoice Instead of CInvoice in Coupled Returns
Updated: 2025-03-25
Default Settings
Both the JInvoice (joint client invoice) and the CInvoice (client invoice) are part of the default Client Copy print set.
In form selection of the print set:
CInvoice is set to Show in print set when used and select for print when used.
JInvoice is set to Show in print set when used, but do not select for print.
In template properties:
CInvoice is set to always be available (relevant), so it appears in the tax return for all taxpayers. It is only marked as used when there is a total owing on the Billing worksheet.
JInvoice is set to only be available (relevant) in coupled returns. It is only marked as used for the principal taxpayer of the file when there is an amount owing when combining the totals on the principal taxpayer's and spouse's billing worksheet.
What to Change
In the form selection area of the T1/TP1 Client Copy print set, right-click on the JInvoice and select Show in print set when used and select for print when used:
In the T1/TP1 Template options, click on the CInvoice and change the Used condition so that it does not appear for coupled taxpayers. Select Invoice > 0, not coupled to apply the following condition: CurrentClient.BillingWorksheet.Totals.Total > 0 and not(coupled(CurrentClient))