
TaxCycle NR4

Amounts paid or credited to non-residents of Canada

TaxCycle NR4

Issue NR4 slips to recipients and file the related issuer summary with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Prepare and electronically file unlimited federal NR4 slips and summaries.

TaxCycle NR4 is included in the Complete Paperless Tax Suite and is also available as a stand-alone module.

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Forms and features

Number of returns Unlimited
Federal NR4 slips and summaries 2021 onward
TaxCycle NR4   
ProFile® FX  
Cantax® FormMaster  
Taxprep® Forms  
CRA Internet File Transfer (XML) for NR4 (original, amended or cancelled slips)  
Info - Transmission information  
Engagement - Engagement information  
Workflow - Workflow summary  
CustomFields - Custom fields  
InternetWS - Internet filing results  
NR4 - Statement of amounts paid or credited to non-residents of Canada  
T4A-NR - Statement of fees, commissions, or other amounts paid to non-residents for services rendered in Canada  
NR4 - Slip summary  
T4A-NR - Slip Summary  
Tape Summary  
MLetter - Missing slips email