On July 11, 2023, we deployed an update to TaxFolder that includes the following fixes and improvements:
Fixed an “Uncaught TypeError” that appeared when adding a new engagement to an existing client, but no preparer was assigned.
Resolved an issue where TaxFolder displayed a 302 error message after clicking on certain links in the Client Dashboard.
Fixed an issue where no preparer was assigned to the engagement, to email the firm owner as a default when the client clickedthe “I’m finished” button in the Client Portal.
Added additional instructions to the TaxFolder “account not connected” page that appears after sign-in to direct users to the firm creation page.
Fixed a PDF document conversion issue that caused the engagement document state to show as “Failed” in some cases.
Resolved an issue where TaxFolder displayed a warning message that did not disappear after attempting to access a non-existent engagement.
Customer Reported Fixed a “Bad Request” error that appeared when working in multiple browser tabs.
Fixed an issue related to an erroneous “maximum approver limit reached” message that appeared when creating a new signature or approval request.