On January 23, 2022, we deployed an update to www.taxfolder.com. This update includes a major technology upgrade and several other customer-requested enhancements.
Technology Upgrades
Back-end updates to improve document processing, reliability, and stability.
Technology updates to improve security, scaling, and reduce bottlenecks.
Improved handling for clients that have relationships with multiple firms in TaxFolder.
Improved performance of uploading documents to TaxFolder.
Added support for 2022 tax years when creating an engagement.
Customer Request Added the ability to assign the preparer when creating a new engagement.
Added a new message to alert users if their browser needs updating to support TaxFolder electronic signatures.
Customer Request Changed the default for completed signatures or approvals on the engagements in the Client Dashboard to show as Download Completed instead of View Original.
Customer Request Disabled ability for clients to upload documents to Completed engagements.
Changed the sorting of engagements to descending by year, then by creation date, in the drop-down menu at the top of the Client Record. This same sort order is used to display the most recent engagement in the Client List on the Client Dashboard.
Added warning if the client selects to close the browser before the signature on a document is submitted.