TaxCycle 14.1.56092.0—2024 Multiple Jurisdiction Returns
This release allows for the transmission through EFILE of multiple jurisdiction returns in TaxCycle T1 2024.
To install this version immediately, download the full installer from our website or request a free trial. Once we enable the automatic updates for this version, TaxCycle will prompt you to install it according to the priority set in your TaxCycle Options. (To deploy auto-update files from your network, see the Auto-Update Files page.)
Release Highlights
Status of T1/TP1 Forms
This release removes the Preview watermark from the following forms:
- T2203 Provincial and Territorial Taxes for Multiple Jurisdictions and provincial 428MJ forms.
- TP-22 Income Tax Payable by an Individual Who Carries on a Business in Canada, Outside Québec
- TP-25 Income Tax Payable by an Individual Resident in Canada, Outside Québec, Who Carries on a Business in Québec
- TP-726.30 Income Averaging for Forest Producers
- TP-729 Carry-Forward of Net Capital Losses
The following forms still show the Preview watermark due to ongoing work:
- TP-766.34 Income Tax on Split Income
Future releases will allow for transmitting returns for emigrants, deemed residents (section 250) and non-residents filing under section 116.
Other T1/TP1 Changes
- New! Added form T2066 Election for Immediate or Gradual Intergenerational Business Transfer.
- Added Submit e-Documents support for T2057 and T2059 special elections and returns (SERs) transmissions for individual filers.
The following forms are now available for electronic filing and submission of supporting documents using the SERs transmission service in TaxCycle Forms:
- New! T1521 Election for a Pertinent Loan or Indebtedness (PLOI) under Subsection 15(2.11)
- New! T2123 Dividend Substitution Election Under Subsection 212.3(3)
- New! T2311 Election for Pertinent Loan or Indebtedness (PLOI) under Subsection 212.3(11)
The following forms have been updated to the latest version from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):
- T2054 Election for a Capital Dividend Under Subsection 83(2)
- NR73 Determination of Residency Status (leaving Canada)
- T1158 Registration of Family Support Payments
Other Updates
- T2—Updated T2054 to the latest version from the CRA.
- T3—Updated AUT01 to the latest version from the CRA.
- T3010—Updated AUT01 and AUT01X to the latest version from the CRA.
Client Manager Update
You can now remove a saved Default search from the Quick Searches sidebar in the Client Manager by right-clicking on a saved Quick Search and selecting Remove as the Default search from the dropdown menu. Once removed, TaxCycle will not apply a saved search to the first search in the Client Manager.

Resolved Issues
- Customer Reported T3—Fixed the NPO—Business Number field masking on the Info worksheet to allow EFILE reporting of corporate business numbers for non-profit organizations.
- Customer Reported T5013—Fixed an issue where the Return of Fuel Charge Proceeds to Farmers Tax Credit was incorrectly duplicating amounts in box 176 when entered in a generic table on the T5013Partner worksheet.
- Customer Reported T5013—Updated the Capital Account opening and ending balance files on the S1WS and T5013Partner worksheets to allow for a negative value.
- Known Issue: TaxCycle T1 Carryforward (2022 to 2023)