

T1 Accuracy Guarantee

T1/TP1 accuracy guarantee

TaxCycle guarantees the accuracy of T1 and TP1 personal tax calculations made through our software.

‌If your client is charged interest on tax due to a calculation defect in the software, TaxCycle will pay such interest, up to a maximum of $2,500.00 CAD:

  1. You do not apply any manual overrides to the software’s calculation tools, and
  2. You used the latest available software update to file the tax return.

Official terms of our accuracy guarantee can be found in the TaxCycle License Agreement.

satisfaction guarantee

Satisfaction guarantee

Our satisfaction guarantee comes with this simple pledge: If you are unhappy with any of our products, for any reason, get in touch.

We’ll do our utmost to resolve your concerns, or promptly refund your money. Please review our refund policy for complete details.

Receive a full refund, plus $500.

To qualify to receive a $500 Amazon gift card, in addition to a full refund, you must:

  1. Have a valid CRA EFILE number;
  2. Have purchased a suite or combo;
  3. Not have purchased TaxCycle prior to May 31, 2021; and
  4. Have completed a 30-minute online orientation or earned 4 CPD credits during the 2021 TaxCycle Pre-Season Online Training Conference.

T1/TP1 accuracy guarantee

TaxCycle guarantees the accuracy of T1 and TP1 personal tax calculations made through our software.

‌If your client is charged interest on tax due to a calculation defect in the software, TaxCycle will pay such interest, up to a maximum of $2,500.00 CAD:

  1. You do not apply any manual overrides to the software’s calculation tools, and
  2. You used the latest available software update to file the tax return.

Official terms of our accuracy guarantee can be found in the TaxCycle License Agreement.